Avoiding the gym because it's crowded?
Find a private gym all to yourself
Discover, Book, and Enjoy Your Personal Workout SpotHow it works
No contracts, no hidden fees, no hard-to-cancel memberships, and absolutely no long-term commitments. Enjoy the freedom of paying for the gym only when you use it.Privacy
Find comfort in working out with the whole gym to yourself. Away from the intimidating, judgmental stares, and crowded spaces.Convenience
No more waiting for equipment. Find a gym that's close by, and avoid sitting in traffic. Book a workout whenever you have time in your busy schedule.Safety
We prioritize your health. Not only are you away from the crowds but each gym is well cleaned and sanitized, ensuring a safe and hygienic workout environment.
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TestimonialsWhat our community is saying
"After years of struggling with feeling self-conscious in crowded gyms and never wanting to go, Gymspots gave me another option. Having the gym to myself has helped me stay motivated and consistent with my workouts."
Jen "I was exhausted of having to constantly wait a for a squat rack or a bench. Or the “How many more sets do you have left” questions that never let me focus on my workouts. Gymspots changed all that and now I never waste my time. "
Brad "I have to take care of family who is immunocompromised, and to stay away from crowds in order to limit the chances of exposure. Now that I get to workout in a gym to myself, and using well sanitized equipment, I can finally workout in peace. "
Eddie "Having the whole gym to myself is the best feeling ever! I can now play my music and dance in between sets without creepy stares or worrying about being in some “influencer’s” video. Give this app a try! "